Friday, June 22, 2007

Portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Courtesy LOC
Haight-Ashbury '67? No! It's a photo from the Twenties. Similar resonance, don't you think?

Mother and Baby, 2 circa 1850 From a Daguerreotype
Portrait of Lydia

Portrait of Johannes Brahms
"Those Were the Days, My Friend......"

Puppy Love

Gloria Stuart, 6

Stairs to Serenity, by Frances Benjamin Johnston

Painting the Shenandoah Valley
Etched by Time

Shari Lewis and Charlie Horse

Saltfish, Funny Hats, and Dog Art. (Who could ask for more?)

Hey, We Were Just Out Shootin' the Bull!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Day Portrait, 1854 - From a Daguerreotype

The "Tomato Paste" Lady

Frolic in the Autumn Mist

Sunday, June 10, 2007

On the Road Again

Starting Point, 1417 G Street, N.W.

Chick Philharmonic

Seven Faces of Ida Lupino

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cat Fancier, Courtesy of Kashmier

Cat Fancier, Close - Up

To View Kashmier's Collection, please visit:
Posing with the Burnelli


Me and My Dolly 1

TrainWreck in Winter, Musicians Take Note
Western Decadence

Jihadist Miscreance

The World's Most Demeaning and Disturbing Women's Fashions Ever!

Harry Blackmun, Negativity

The Moonshiner's Daughter

Mother and Child 1

The Coliseum at Dusk

Lass Holding Kitten